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How Personal Trainers Can Use TikTok To Get Clients

TikTok can be a fantastic platform for Personal Trainers. Read my quick-fire tips on how Personal Trainers can use TikTok to get clients.

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How Personal Trainers Can Use TikTok To Get Clients

Like all social media platforms, TikTok is a platform where you can advertise your business and enhance your brand. This applies to all industries, however, there has been a surge in brands within the health and fitness sector signing up to the platform. When it comes to personal trainers, one of the main reasons clients come to them is to develop a physique they can be happy with. In the modern world where everyone strives to look their best to impress, Tiktok might actually be a great place for PTs to pick up clients. Let me explain.

The platform rewards users who put themselves in front of the camera, however, this takes a lot of confidence in both your appearance and your mentality. In this day and age, people are becoming more and more conscious about what they eat, how to exercise and how to live a healthy lifestyle. That is why, if you're a personal trainer and share tips on improving your health and fitness, you may just pick up a client or two.

Tips for tiktok
Your TikTok Marketing Strategy

Make Videos

As a personal trainer, you should already be sharing valuable content to your audience and potential clients. This includes short videos sharing workouts, exercise tips, lifestyle tips and nutritional advice. You should then transfer those video onto TikTok. If you haven't created any content as of yet, GET STARTED! Plan to make 2-4 short videos of your gym activities and share it on your profile to the public each week. Not only will this promote your services, but it will also increase your credibility amongst your followers, therefore making you the go-to person for fitness advice.

Go Live

One of the scariest yet most rewarding strategies to utilise on social media is going live! It's also a great way to build on the previous point of sharing knowledge and building credibility. Keep one thing in mind, the more you respond and interact with your followers, the more likely they will be to purchase one of your services or fitness plans. To keep it simple, all that you have to do is to make yourself available to them. Be confident and share a live session with your followers at least once a month and share tips on health and fitness.

Use Advertisements

Another way to get more clients on TikTok is to advertise your services. Like many other social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, you can also use TikTok for fitness advertisement. You can also make a fitness profile and boost your post by paid advertisements. In my opinion, it is one of the quickest ways to get more clients. Just remember, if you're using social media advertising, you will need to take your potential clients on a journey from brand discovery to advocacy. To do this, tell them a story of who you are and what makes you unique, once they understand who you are, show them why your services will be beneficial to them.

Last Words

I wanted in this short blog to try and answer the question “How to use TikTok to get fitness clients?”, and I hope that you were able to feel excited about the different ways to use TikTok for personal trainers. If you haven't already, make your fitness profile on TikTok, attract the clients with your health and fitness tips, gain their attention through your live sessions and advertise to a wide range of potential clients using paid ads. Good luck on your TikTok adventure.



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